Академия I-MAK достигла новой страны! С 9 по 11 сентября более 40 инженеров, технических специалистов по продажам и менеджеров филиалов приняли участие в первом издании Академии I-MAK Южной Африки. В партнёрстве с Bearings international, эксклюзивным дистрибьютором продукции I-MAK в регионе, сессия Академии включала презентацию продукции, выбор продукции и сессию по специальным решениям IMAK для конкретных рынков и приложений.
Благодаря этому новому развитию,I-MAK укрепляет свои позиции в регионе. В настоящее время бренд представлен более чем в 10 странах южноафриканского субрегиона. Благодаря этому новому центру I-MAK теперь сможет поставлять большую часть своей продукции менее чем за 5 дней! Этот новый монтажный центр,основанный на сильном запасе и местной интеграции производства запасных частей, будет служить южноафриканским промышленностям с быстрым сроком поставки и гибкостью конфигураций.
I-MAK Presence in South Africa
Present in the region for more than 3 years, I-MAK is active in several sectors. With more than 1.000.000 products references, I-MAK is serving a large range of industries. Particularly active in the mining sector, the brand is proposing several solutions for gold and diamonds extraction. Everyday, I-MAK solutions are used to crush, scan, wash and transport tones of stones, sand and minerals every day. Water treatment represent another key sector for the brand in the region, actively working with major OEM and end users in South Africa, I-MAK is proposing a wide range of specific solution for this crucial sector. Working in external and aggressive environment due to dust, heat, vibration and chemicals, special configurations and options are proposed to customers.
Innovations and Extended Product Range
This South African visit was also an opportunity for I-MAK to introduce some of their new products and innovations. South African customer can now have access to the new I-MAK-E program and devices. With this new solution, the customers now have the possibility to monitor all the dynamic and evolutions of their gearboxes. Combined in a single device, I-MAK-E system is measuring and tracking a combination of key data. Customers are now able to measure and follow the vibration, temperature and noise level of the gearbox. Collected and compiled together these data are compared with the initial activity “finger print” of the gearboxes, in the same time collected data are set to give particular alarm when figures reach a certain level. Following the global tendency of the market, this key addition to our range of solutions is helping our customers to move from periodic to condition based maintenance. Walking together to reduce unplanned downtime, we increase lifetime and reinforce plant security with less onsite maintenance and control.
Haffar Salim – International Sales and Marketing Director.