Durante 47 años, I-MAK está desarrollando y produciendo reductores que responden a las necesidades de sus clientes. Dentro de nuestra planta de producción de 16.000 metros cuadrados, producimos una amplia gama de reductores y soluciones de accionamiento.
Con más de 1.000.000 de referencias de productos, proponemos a nuestros clientes y socios las mejores soluciones para sus instalaciones de aplicación y producción.
This deep transition is linked with the industrialization of Turkey and partnerships between local producers. Companies such as I-MAK Reduktor contributed to this transition on different level. Being one of the very first producers of geared motors in Turkey (the company was founded in 1973), the company proposed the first alternative to costly or aging materials imported from Europe. This first contribution to the replacement of spare parts and the upgrade of present machines brought experience and new perspectives to local producers. The combination of the user’s experience and technical knowledge of spare parts producer formed a strong base to the formation of new machines producers.
Nowadays the sector reached its maturity and the actors of the market are now looking forward for innovation and trend making in machines and applications. Companies such as I-MAK Reduktor are supporting several new players are start-up that contribute to the dynamism and leadership of Turkey in several agriculture sectors.